Choosing a Radiant Life

Mama Maintenance

Today, I turned 37, and officially entered into my “late thirties.” So, I’ve decided to do a basic blogger post, and share 37 fun facts about myself.  Hahaha, no…I don’t have that many.  How about 10 things, since 3 + 7 = 10. 

I was an ER nurse for 10 years, and now stay at home with my three children.

I am a preacher’s daughter.

I am allergic to cinnamon.

I am a habitual list maker.

I wear reading glasses.

Leopard print is my favorite color.

I am the oldest child (the boss) of three, and the only girl.

I have lived in six different states, and have had nursing licenses in four.

I drive my dream car that my husband surprised me with last year.

I have four given names from birth.

On my birthday each year, I always try to take some time to reflect on my past accomplishments, the memories that I have made, and the lessons I’ve learned, which have all helped shape me into the person that I am today.  I would like to share with you one of the greatest lessons I have learned in the past 37 years, which has become my vision for this blog.  As a child, my mother used to tell us, “Happiness is a choice, so GET happy.” As an adult, I better understand the power behind this message.  It wasn’t just so we would quit being whining children, but that we would learn and understand the power we have to make that choice for ourselves.  Deciding to be happy instead of waiting for happiness to come to you will change your whole life. You will start to become radiant and others will see the change.

The definition of being radiant is to be a shining light, marked by an expression of happiness. Although I am biased…I believe a perfect example of a radiant life is my daughter, Sayla.  She recently won the “Hero” award at school for being a shining light to her peers.  Her radiance is evidenced by the smiles and pure joy she emanates into the world.  She cannot walk, she cannot talk, she cannot eat by mouth, she suffers from seizures and severely tight muscles, she cannot be a typical child due to her disabilities, but still she chooses to be happy. She is living a radiant life by being a shining light of happiness, and by refusing to let negative circumstances affect her glow.  I can only hope to do the same with the birthdays I have left, and the platform I have been blessed with. I am so grateful for your continued support in reading this blog.  Thank you to everyone who continues to follow our journey in life, and I pray this motivates you to choose happiness and live a radiant life.

Photos by Dapper House

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