One-Year-Old Gift Guide

How is my baby a one-year-old this week?? Everyone says “they grow up so fast,” and I agree, this is true. Except for the first 6 months when he refused to sleep through the night. That was not so fast. I feel like I had to learn how to be a mom all over again this past year. Raising a special needs child who is immobile and nonverbal is obviously very different from raising a typical child. As Pax grows and starts to play with more developmental toys, I had to do my research on what toys would be good for a one-year-old. His birthday is a few weeks after Christmas, so I wanted to make sure we got some things he could use and play with for the next whole year. So, I’ve compiled a list of our favorite gifts for a big timin’ one-year-old:

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1. VTech Sit-to-Stand Ultimate Alphabet Train

This came as a recommendation from a friend who has four children, so I figured she knows what’s up. Pax got a chance to play with it at her house and he was obsessed. I love most of VTech products as they are both engaging and educational. This toy does so many different things and grows with your child for recommended ages 1-3. It can be used as a floor toy (which is our current stage), a walker, a ride on toy, and can be used as a wagon to pull toys. It even comes with blocks you can drop down the train chute which counts them aloud then shoots them into attached wagon. Ok, I may or may not enjoy playing with this one myself.

2. Click N’ Play, Alphabet and Numbers Foam Puzzle Play Mat

We have hardwood floors in our current dining room/turned playroom, and I don’t feel like the rug I have provides enough cushion for floor play. We decided to purchase this mat for not only comfortable floor play but also to help with learning colors, numbers, and colors.

3. Melissa & Doug Learn-To-Play Piano

I come from a musical family, and I really want to encourage an ear for music at an early age. So, we decided to try this piano. It was amazing to watch Pax play with this toy on Christmas morning. I expected him to bang on the keys loudly (like he does with everything else thereby acquiring the nickname “Bam Bam” from my dad), but instead he softly played different notes, one at a time, using several different fingers. My mother in law announced, “He’s a prodigy!” We can only hope.

3. Silicone bibs

Ok I understand these are not toys, but I feel like you need to learn about these if you don’t already know! Pretty sure I was late to the game with these miracle bibs. I was using the plastic covered cloth bibs when he would eat baby food and finger foods. They would get filthy, and cannot go in the washing machine (aint no handwashing technique good enough for that filth). But these suckers rinse right off, and wipe dry!! No more mildew smell, or waiting 2 days for bibs to hang dry. This item is a must have for anyone with a baby/toddler. If you personally don’t have either, then buy the bibs as a gift for someone who does. You’ll be a hero.

4. Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug ‘n Secure Swing

Every kid needs a swing, right? We already have an A-frame that my husband built for sayla 2 years ago. Currently it has her full support handicap swing and a spot next to it where we can hang the baby swing. I can’t wait for them to enjoy this outdoor activity together.

5. Melissa & Doug Latches Wooden Activity Board

Does anyone else know a baby who is obsessed with latches? We have a latch on a storage trunk in the entryway that Pax is constantly finding. He loves this puzzle/activity board, and I’m hoping it will hold his attention as long as the trunk latch does!

6. VTech Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker

We purchased this item last fall with the intent of giving it to Pax for Christmas, but we quickly learned we have no self-control and gave it to him early, as a 9-month birthday present. I’m so glad we did because he immediately learned how to walk behind it. The activity panel on the front comes off for floor play, and it keeps him busy when he is in the pack and play on occasion. (My sister-in-law who lives in FL, takes the activity piece to the beach with my niece to keep her entertained.) Once again, VTech for the win when it comes to engaging and educational toys!

7. UTEX 8 in 1 Pop Up Children Play Tent House

This was a must have for…my husband. He picked out this massive play tent and promised me it would be okay since it folds up and comes with a carrying case for storage. He knows me so well. He also knows our son well, because this thing is a hit! Pax loves crawling through the tunnels, and just sitting in the tents playing with his toys. It does take up a lot of space and there are smaller options. The pieces fold up nicely and fit well in the storage case for when it is not in use. My husband knows what’s up, since this toy is a 2018 “Toy of the Year” finalist, according to Amazon.


Let me know if you have any of these, and how long your kids were interested in them…or let me know if you are going to get one for your little bambino!!