Pax Surgery Day

My baby boy, Pax, had two surgeries last week. He had a bilateral myringotomy (ear tube placement) and an inguinal hernia/hydrocele repair. Both surgeons were willing to do the surgeries at the same time. You think I would not have been nervous in comparison to when my daughter has had major surgeries, such as a craniotomy/tumor resection, or spinal rod placement, but it still made me anxious to think about my baby undergoing anesthesia. He did amazing and is back to his wild self, other than the occasional fussy moments which we treat with Tylenol in case he has post op pain. The biggest changes we have seen so far is that he doesn’t scream or fuss when lying flat for diaper changes, or wake up crying in pain from his sleep. I think his ears were really hurting him when he was laying flat, but now he finally has some relief! Do you have a child or know anyone who has had ear tubes placed and witnessed any immediate results?? Comment below and check out our video from Surgery Day!!


  1. Katie Varela
    January 11, 2018 / 1:30 am

    So glad to hear Pax is doing well! Did he have recurring ear infections? How did you decide to do ear tubes? Harrison is on his second ear infection following a sickness but I can tell this second ear infection has been a doozy on him. Laying on his back bothers him and he wakes up periodically crying for a second. It’s getting better but I hate it for him! Also, love your blog so far!!! You’re such an inspiration.

    • admin
      January 11, 2018 / 1:48 am

      Yes, he had 5 in 4 months. He didn’t start getting them until he was 7 months old. We saw an ENT since he was getting them so frequently, and he said there was a lot of fluid behind his ears even without a current infection, so we decided not to wait any longer. They are at higher risk with teething, winter, and pacifiers. So I would say, once he has about 5 infections, to see a specialist! Thank you for the encouragement…I hope you keep enjoying the blog!!

  2. Elizabeth
    January 12, 2018 / 8:22 pm

    All 3 of my kids had tubes. The 2 boys at about a year, kate about a year and a half….I saw a difference in ear infections, but I think with #3 was the most immediate difference, she had some hearing loss before tubes, and drs were confident with tubes and a good clean out, hearing would improve. She didn’t talk much and wouldn’t really repeat words before tubes, but I very vividly remember her sitting in her high chair and me asking her if she could say “momma” and she did….and I’m convinced that she said momma because she could finally hear well, and it all took off from there!

    • admin
      January 13, 2018 / 8:32 pm

      Oh my goodness, I bet you melted at the sound of “momma!!” That is very encouraging. Pax mostly babbles, no real words yet…so hopefully tubes help him with that as well!