We are now less than two weeks away from meeting our sweet baby!  I am so ready to meet him or her.  “Pepper” is already so loved and adored.  I was reminded of something this week from Isaiah 66:13: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”  I would give my life for my children, and love my children unconditionally (even the one I carry now but have not yet seen its face), and HE cares for us in the same way.  No hustling or perfection required on our part.  He loves us as we are.


I have never had professional maternity photos taken with my other two children, as I didn’t plan on hanging the pictures above the mantle, and I definitely don’t feel like “working it” in front of a camera with an extra 30-40 pounds hanging out.  But with this pregnancy has come a sense of nostalgia, as I know it will be my last (tubal ligation papers signed…check check), and I didn’t want to regret not having photos.  Photos that would remind me of the miracle of pregnancy, and the blessing of carrying my children who are all miracles from above.


I stumbled upon a styled maternity photo shoot giveaway on Instagram, by one of the most sought out photographers in my city.  She decided to graciously do this for one of her followers who commented on the post telling what they love about their pregnant body, or pregnancy in general.  I decided to comment and enter.  My comment post got real, and I confessed how scary pregnancy is for me as my first child was diagnosed with a large brain mass in utero.  I have never had a desire to document my pregnancies before, but felt the need this time to celebrate the miracle that God created pregnancy to be.  I was chosen for the photo shoot, and I am blown away by both the photographer’s generosity and her amazing skills!  She has given me the chance to appreciate my body, and has also given me lasting memories of this pregnancy to cherish.  I will forever be grateful.


Photos by Kelsey Malicote

It is going to be a long, hot, (and sober) summer…and we could not be more thrilled to announce this pregnancy!  I have shared a little in the past about our struggle with infertility and loss.  Our rainbow baby, Pax, was such a gift from God when we least expected it, and now this baby on the way is also such a surprise!!  We found out about the bump coming back during the week of my husband’s birthday in March, and on the same day, our offer was accepted on our new home.  Patrick said, “This is the best week of my life!” Haha!  As excited as we are, I have to be honest and say this has been my hardest pregnancy yet.  I have been extremely hormonal (Patrick thinks I hate him), I am exhausted, unmotivated, acne ridden, and sick with vomiting on the regular.  The misery has lessened some now that I’m in the second trimester. This is not the best timing with moving into a new home, as there are still tons of boxes needing to be unpacked, and rooms to be decorated.  It will just have to wait.  It’s a day by day, surviving not thriving status.

Everyone is convinced it is a girl, since the pregnancy is so different than with Pax.  I can’t really compare it to my pregnancy with Sayla because I was 10 years younger, and had a lot more going for me in regards to growing a fetus.  I am literally considered “advanced maternal age,” starting this month on my 35th birthday.  One perk with this new label is that insurance will cover early fetal genetic testing with blood work, and you can find out the gender.  BUT, in the spirit of surprises, we are going to leave the gender unknown until the day of birth.  I did not know the gender in my first pregnancy when Sayla was born.  Even during millions of ultrasounds with her brain tumor findings, we kept it a surprise.  It was the most wonderful experience to have that exciting news during her birth.  I want to experience that same joy and surprise with Patrick, when this little one is born.  Also, there is no reason to decorate a nursery at this point considering how long the baby will stay in our room…Pax still has yet to sleep in his own room all night.  Lord, hear our prayers.  Let the chaos begin!

Our little “Pepper Parker” as we have nicknamed this baby, is due November 13, 2018.  I have been craving all the sour candy to the point of minor citric acid burns in my mouth.  There is nothing “extreme” sour enough for me.  I need lemonade on the daily.  Is your mouth watering yet?? I was afraid I was losing weight with all the sickness and vomiting, but at my last appointment, I have gained the MAX amount my midwife wants me to gain for half the pregnancy…and I wasn’t even a third of the way through at the time of that visit.  I guess all the candy is being digested.

My babies will be approximately 22 months apart if all goes as planned.  We are so grateful for this surprise blessing, and plan to enjoy every moment of this new level of chaos in our home.  I have longed for Sayla to have siblings for a long time…to care for her and look after her when we cannot do so.  For her to teach them what compassion and kindness look like, and what really matters in this world.

I am so excited to share our amazing adventure with you, but I will end with this.  I have friends who still struggle with infertility and long for the day to become a mother.  I see you.  I pray for you.  I understand you.  I’m not going to say “It happens when you stop trying,” or “It will happen when it is time.”  I don’t know God’s plan for your life, but I know He has a GOOD plan.  He said so.  Jeremiah 29:11.


{Gender Reveal September 2016}

I love surprises, and my husband loathes them.  I waited until Sayla’s birth to know her gender, and I could do it again with this baby!  Whereas, Patrick would pay hundreds of dollars to find out gender at 10 weeks with genetic testing.  We decided to compromise and both be surprised at a gender reveal party at 17 weeks gestation.  My best friend Alana, offered to throw us this shindig, and it was seriously the best party anyone has ever given me.  We had the gender scan 9 days before scheduled party.  The results were made available for front desk pick-up by Alana, ONLY, and required ID verification. She guarded this secret with her life, and says it was the hardest secret she has ever had to keep, BUT was totally worth it when she saw our reaction.  We had the reveal at our home, and invited close friends and family.

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