My baby boy, Pax, had two surgeries last week. He had a bilateral myringotomy (ear tube placement) and an inguinal hernia/hydrocele repair. Both surgeons were willing to do the surgeries at the same time. You think I would not have been nervous in comparison to when my daughter has had major surgeries, such as a craniotomy/tumor resection, or spinal rod placement, but it still made me anxious to think about my baby undergoing anesthesia. He did amazing and is back to his wild self, other than the occasional fussy moments which we treat with Tylenol in case he has post op pain. The biggest changes we have seen so far is that he doesn’t scream or fuss when lying flat for diaper changes, or wake up crying in pain from his sleep. I think his ears were really hurting him when he was laying flat, but now he finally has some relief! Do you have a child or know anyone who has had ear tubes placed and witnessed any immediate results?? Comment below and check out our video from Surgery Day!!

I have heard many times “I don’t know how you do it all!” Special needs child, infant who breastfeeds, work, maintain household, organize Sayla’s healthcare…list goes on. Truth is, I don’t do it all, I have help. I didn’t always have help, but I will spare you the ugly details of my life before help existed! We do not have family that live close…not even in the same state, so finding help has not been easy. I don’t like to ask for help. Could be a pride thing, or I don’t want to bother anyone, or it could be that I’m a control freak? But I just cannot do it all on my own.

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Sayla is a keto kid again!  She was admitted to Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center November 14- 16 to initiate the ketogenic diet.  This diet is a special high fat and low carb diet, designed to help control seizure activity in those suffering from epilepsy.  Sayla was started on this diet at age 16 months for the first time at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for a type of epilepsy called infantile spasms.  It took the diet approximately three months to stop these types of seizures.  We kept Sayla on the diet for four and a half years, then decided to wean her off since she was having issues with high cholesterol.  Unfortunately, Sayla developed a new seizure type this past August, that is spasm-like and causes her heart rate and breathing rate to increase for about 30-45 seconds at a time.  She would have these spasms anywhere from once a day to one an hour.  Instead of increasing her current seizure medication doses or adding a new one, we decided to go back on the ketogenic diet, and will continue to pray for seizure control once again.

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